The PNE Group, to which WKN Italia belongs, currently operates in 13 countries in Europe, South Africa and North America. This broad and flexible structure makes the group of companies more independent of potential fluctuations in individual markets and business areas. For this reason, we also plan to extend our commercial activities to other technologies and markets, including but not limited to, developing countries with a high energy demand.
Essential factors for the entry into new markets include secure, calculable framework conditions and co-operation with local partners who have an extensive network at their disposal. The development of our different business segments is coupled with a regional expansion of our business activities: in addition to industrial countries, our commercial activities cover developing countries in Latin America, Africa and in both the Middle and Far East.
The approximately 600 employees of the PNE Group dedicate themselves daily to moving one step closer to realising the vision of energy supplies provided solely by renewable energy sources. For clean, sustainable energy production - now and in the future.