PNE Group, which is internationally active in the development of wind and photovoltaic projects, has had a buoyant start to the new year. The "Neuenwalde" wind farm (7.2 MW) and the "Wölsickendorf" wind farm (16.8 MW), which was built on behalf of the purchaser, were put into operation. In addition, PNE was successful in several tenders.
Tenders won in Germany
At the end of 2019, PNE won tenders for wind farm projects in Germany with 30.1 MW and in Poland with 94.8 MW of nominal capacity to be installed. Two further projects with a total capacity of 13.9 MW, which were granted approval in the last few weeks, successfully participated in the February tender of the Federal Network Agency. These successful projects can thus be realised.
Successes in Poland
There was good news from Poland at the end of 2019. The local PNE subsidiary participated in the tendering in December with three projects (total capacity of 94.8 MW) and was awarded contracts for all three projects. The projects are located in northern and central Poland. The aim is to realise the first project in 2020, followed by the other two projects in 2021.
The Polish "Barwice" project with a nominal capacity of 42 MW, which was sold earlier, was completed. Currently the turbines are taken into operation.
Further wind farm before the start of construction
In 2019, PNE received approval for a wind farm based in the federal state of Hesse (Schwalm-Eder district) with a capacity of 17.5 MW. The wind farm participated in the invitation to tender issued by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in December and was awarded a contract. The wind farm comprises four wind power turbines of the type Nordex N149 with a capacity of 4.38 MW each. Preparatory construction work has already begun.
Success in South Africa
In South Africa, the PNE Group together with its joint venture WKN Windcurrent obtained the environmental permit for a project with 75 wind power turbines in December. The project is located in the Northern Cape province. In 2020, a further environmental permit was obtained for a project in the Eastern Cape province with up to 100 MW.